Rock 'n Roll Nashville Marathon and ½ Marathon
April 30, 2016
**Heat Advisory**
As I stood at the start line, I had every intention of completing my first marathon. I had done everything that I need to do: I prepared myself mentally and physically through months of training, I had proper fuel, I was hydrated, and I was ready to do this. One thing that our coach tells us every time we sign up for a race is: “You can’t control what happens on race day.” For the second time, I have learned how true that statement is. I was aware of the forecast for race day: highs in the 80s and a chance of rain, which brings humidity. After a delayed start due to lightening, we are finally able to start at 8:34 am. Right before we finish our 1st mile, Coach tells me that we have a new strategy: run 2 miles…walk ½ mile...run 2 miles…walk ½ mile. We start this pattern with no issues. I can feel the humidity start to rise. I am sweating, but this is a good thing. Then, the cramping begins…first my upper abdomen…then my calf muscles in both legs. After several attempts at trying to cool down and walk…and then trying to run, Coach tells me that we are
dropping down to the half. This is the 2nd time that my body has rebelled during a hot and humid race. As we continue through the course, I try my best to ignore the discomfort and pain that I am experiencing and enjoy the sights of Nashville. Along the way, we meet some amazing individuals that were out there just to raise awareness for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. One lady was walking 13.1 miles for her sister who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. As we continued to walk (because at this point my body was not going to allow me to run), I saw a firefighter in full gear, I saw individuals carrying the U.S. flag, folks dressed in crazy costumes, smiles, and laughter. It was then that I realized that it isn’t always about racing….it is more about having fun and making memories. As we approached the last hill on the half marathon course,
Coach had to hook her arm into my arm and drag me up the hill. I am sure that she could see the pain on my face. She looked at me and said, "I am proud of you. This isn't giving up, this is being smart." I was able to muster up enough energy to run across the finish line within the time limit. With each race, I continue to learn more and more about my body. I have learned that I can’t run in hot and humid weather. I have started some research on ways to keep my body from overheating when running, including the Run Walk Run method. I am not giving up on my goal. I am reevaluating how to accomplish this 26.2 goal safely. Overall, it was a great weekend filled with laughter, memories, and stories that just can’t be made up. I love these road trips with my warrior sisters and looking forward to many more.
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